
My mom dropped by today for a visit and after Ashley has taken her bath, she took her to the playground at our condo. When my mom reached the playground, she saw a lady playing with her grandson who is about Ashley’s age. My mom walked over to the slides as Ashley wanted to play with it.
Suddenly, this lady walked over and said, “Aiyo….your grandchild is STILL wearing diapers ah?“You haven’t potty trained her yet?”I trained my grandson when he was 4 months old“. Of course, my mother was taken aback because she doesn’t know this woman and she had the nerve to walk over and make comments like that. My mother just ignored her and continue playing with Ashley. After seeing no response from my mother, she walked away with her grandson.
If I happened to be there, of course I would tell her off. I just can’t stand people like that. Damn annoying!
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14 Responses to Annoying!

  1. sue says:

    Hmph!.. Some people just dunno how to keep their gaps shut, and she’s damn show off lerr…

  2. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Aiyoh why so KPC one.. potty trained or not oso her business… Really teruk!!

  3. Mama BoK says:

    Yah..!! some ppl got nothing better to do .. !! i hate them..!!

  4. Sweetpea says:

    podah! let them be. they are the greatest! wow! they’ve done REALLY well! good on them! so what? can place food on your table meh, hor? cheh!

  5. nadia says:

    Sheeessshh! The nerve!!! Like as though they’re so great at everything.. damn annoying I tell you! I’d have told her to Fly Uncle Charlie’s Kites off!

  6. HMom says:

    busy body! I hate people who boast to strangeers

  7. Angeleyes says:

    eerrr… wat’s wrong with wearing diaper at 2 years old?????

    yeah… don’t u just hate those busybody aunties????

  8. babykhong says: ‘pat’! Just tell her ‘guan lei meh si’…hahahha!

  9. Sasha says:

    just stare at them and do the face like “so?????”

  10. Desperate Mummy says:

    Don’t worry as I used to meet this kind of ppl before. You imagine Ashley juz 2 yrs old but my Calista is going to 3 yrs old.

    I don’t care as I didn’t see any adult wearing diapers now ler 😀

    You know what I didin’t potty train Calista and one day I juz suka-suka don’t want to wear diapers for her and you know what I’m very suprised from that day she can tell me when she want to wee-wee ler. You see we no need to force them let them come naturally, ok !

  11. laundryamah says:

    yerrrrr so 8 one! typical chinese la!

  12. Oscar's Mommy says:

    ish!!! i got one annoying aunty whom she passes similar comments to oscar so my reply was rather rude “its ok, cos i can still afford diapers!” blueh!!!

  13. mommy of 2 angels says:

    eee…why so boastful one…

    ya ignore them just what ur mom did…think they talking to the air!

  14. Annie Q says: and angie “sam ling seong tong” i just about to said “ya tell them i still can afford to buy diapers cannot meh?” LOL

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