From kung kung :D

See what I got from my grandpapa ………..

A little 3-wheeler!!!

Yayyyy….It comes with 2 baskets and mommy said I can put Barney and Babybop in them and they can ride with me. I guess for now, I’ll just take my balloon for a ride.
Thank you very muchie, kung kung! I promise I won’t pinch you anymore ;D
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10 Responses to From kung kung :D

  1. Annie Q says:

    birthday present from kung kung?
    Y Ashley like to pinch pinch kung kung ar? hahahah..noti noti
    She look cute with the bicycle.

  2. laundryamah says:

    wah…have wheels will travel!!! yayyyy

  3. karenyiau says:

    Nice one 🙂 I thought of getting one for Dillon too but he doesn’t know how to paddle yet. Might buy one with the handle at the back.

  4. mom2ashley says:

    nice!! ashley likes to pinch her kung kung?

  5. Angeleyes says:

    Guess what???? Darrius got the same wheels from his gong-gong too!!! Same model just different colours!!!!

  6. jazzmint says:

    wah so syiok, can tumpang vyktore behind or not 🙂

  7. Mama BoK says:

    Very nice of kung kung..!

  8. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    annie – yes…it was for her bday but a week early 😉

    laundryamah – hahahaha

    karenyiau – ashley doesn’t know how to paddle too. she uses her leg to move the bike 😀

    mom2ashley – yep…she loves to pinch him. whenever we asked her kiss kung kung, she would go near his face and pinch *slap forehead*

    angeleyes – really??? i guess all kung kung have the same taste huh? 😀

    jazzmint – sure can tumpang vkytore, but must put on a seat belt 😀

    mamabok – hehehe…yeah..kung kung can’t wait to buy it for her. he saw the bike abt 1 month before her bday 😀

  9. Nadia says:

    Waaaahhh.. so nice!!! 🙂

  10. Jo says:

    wah, kungkung’s pressie so cantik.. yee yeeS so malu 🙁

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