See what I got from my grandpapa ………..

A little 3-wheeler!!!

Yayyyy….It comes with 2 baskets and mommy said I can put Barney and Babybop in them and they can ride with me. I guess for now, I’ll just take my balloon for a ride.
Thank you very muchie, kung kung! I promise I won’t pinch you anymore ;D
birthday present from kung kung?
Y Ashley like to pinch pinch kung kung ar? hahahah..noti noti
She look cute with the bicycle.
wah…have wheels will travel!!! yayyyy
Nice one 🙂 I thought of getting one for Dillon too but he doesn’t know how to paddle yet. Might buy one with the handle at the back.
nice!! ashley likes to pinch her kung kung?
Guess what???? Darrius got the same wheels from his gong-gong too!!! Same model just different colours!!!!
wah so syiok, can tumpang vyktore behind or not 🙂
Very nice of kung kung..!
annie – yes…it was for her bday but a week early 😉
laundryamah – hahahaha
karenyiau – ashley doesn’t know how to paddle too. she uses her leg to move the bike 😀
mom2ashley – yep…she loves to pinch him. whenever we asked her kiss kung kung, she would go near his face and pinch *slap forehead*
angeleyes – really??? i guess all kung kung have the same taste huh? 😀
jazzmint – sure can tumpang vkytore, but must put on a seat belt 😀
mamabok – hehehe…yeah..kung kung can’t wait to buy it for her. he saw the bike abt 1 month before her bday 😀
Waaaahhh.. so nice!!! 🙂
wah, kungkung’s pressie so cantik.. yee yeeS so malu 🙁