My fansee….who are you??? (Tag)

I’ve been tagged again and this one I must do first because she‘ll whack me if I don’t. Believe me, she WILL because I’ve known her for more than 20 years and I know that she is ‘garang’. LOL. I’ve been a silent reader of her blogs for many years but only started leaving comments lately 😉

So, she wants to know who my fans, or rather my friends are. Well, it’s almost a year since I started blogging and it has been wonderful so far. I got to know so many lovely mommies. We also share happy and sad moments together 🙂 Mommies who visit my blog often are :-

1) Shannon – Mummy to Ms. Cutie Pie, Rachel

2) Nadia – Mummy to handsome & chubby Irfan

3) Annie Q – Mummy to cheeky Fearles & Cruz

4) LaundryAmah – Mummy to Kieran, the boy who loves Cartoon Network and Kylie the tough cookie

5) Sasha – Mummy to Jayden boy who loves to eat

Also, last but not least, my sisters and my good friend, WP, who are not bloggers ;). So, if you see your name up there, please do this tag, alright? Please, please?

Hey, the above names don’t mean that other mommies don’t read my blog. Just that I want to save some names for my other tag which is coming up soon. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

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10 Responses to My fansee….who are you??? (Tag)

  1. ShannonC. says:

    I very good girl one…
    I did oledi…. but then hoh, because a lot of other post oledi scheduled, it’ll be up on 20th… hehehehehehe

  2. laundryamah says:

    phewww…this easy peasy tag la…no worries!

  3. Samm says:

    Seii larr, lidat…….. later i no more fansi lohh, kakakaka. I whr got garang wannnn, wakakakakakaka. Thx for being a port and doing my tag, fansee 🙂

    And i linked u 🙂

  4. Peng says:

    hah! my name mentioned in your blog too ar….

  5. nadia says:

    Kena tag balik?? Hahaha.. okay, will get it done.. 🙂

  6. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Eh.. I visit your blog often too leh.. 😀

  7. mott says:

    can’t wait to meet up with u..finally!

    plus…pls forgive (in advance) my monyet if they accidently push/pull/snatch toy(or balloon) away/shout at/err..err..whatever la.. at ashley.

    they don’t mean to..and I don’t know if i got strength to keep on shouting…”don’t push/pull/snatch”..with 35+ other kdis around…


  8. Jo says:

    mott : eh ! only cant wait to meet my sis ah ? what about me ?!?!

    warning… ash cubits too… and i’m talkin abt sakit punya cubits, not some itsy-bitsy-not-sakit punya cubit.

  9. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    shannon – no prob 🙂

    laundryamah – hahaha…first time I tag you

    samm – anytime 😉

    peng – of course, you are my fansee.

    nadia – hahaha….have not tagged you before too.

    sasha – alamak…double tag lah.

    etcetera-mummy – i know you are my fansee also…gotta save your name for next tag ;D

    mott – hey….can’t wait to meet you and your sons too 🙂 Jo is right….ashley likes to pinch and snatch things from other children. I hope she doesn’t make your sons or other children cry….hahhahah

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