Woo hoo, my Munchkin is Two!!!

Today is the actual day of Ashley’s birthday. Just want to wish her



Eventhough you are a little older, you will always be our little one


Love you always,
daddy & mommy

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19 Responses to Woo hoo, my Munchkin is Two!!!

  1. Desperate Mummy says:

    Happy Birthday to Ashley ! Auntie Eva muaks muaks*

    I still remember the day when ur Yee-Yee tell me that you just arrived into the world 😀

  2. Vien says:

    Happy B’day, Chumsy girl!

  3. Mama BoK says:

    Happy birthday.. Ashley..!! Chloe and Mama BoK sends our love all the way from Canada..!!

  4. sue says:

    Happy Birthday to Ashley 🙂

  5. Jo says:

    Happy Birthday Your Highness ! *mwah**mwah**mwah**mwah**mwah*

    u’ll always be our little one too !

    Lotsa love,
    Por Por, Yee Yees, Yee Cheong

  6. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Happy 2nd Birthday Ashley!!

  7. ShannonC. says:

    happy happy 2nd birthday little one… 😀

  8. Angeleyes says:


  9. Annie Q says:

    Happy birthday Ashley!

  10. Sasha says:


  11. Sweetpea says:

    HIPPO BIRDY TWO EWE!! am going to be the bad and irritating one WH… when’s the 2nd one? hehe..

  12. mott says:


    it’s time to update your profile then….

    from a tiny lil bean..to a big lil girl!!!!!! 😉

    big hugs from the empat monyets..

  13. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    desperate mummy – thank you auntie eva….yeah, mommy told me you sent us a beautiful flower & fruit basket on the day I arrived 😀

    vien – thank you auntie vien 😉

    mamabok – thank you chloe and mamabok….mommy told me that canada is a beautiful country 😀

    sue – thank you auntie sue…nice to meet you and your handsome boys 😀

    jo – thank you yee yee 😀 love to you, tai yee yee por por and yee cheong 😉

    etcetera mummy – thank you auntie yvonne 🙂 you are very pretty ;D

    shannon – thank you auntie shannon…..how is little rachel??

    angeleyes – thank you auntie, kisses to darrius 🙂

    sasha – thank you hot auntie ;D

    sweetpea – thank you auntie WC. another baby?? I heard mommy telling daddy – no more ;D

    mott – thank you auntie mott and the monkeys 😀 i’ll get mommy to post a new photo of me soon;)

  14. jazzmint says:

    happy bday ashley…

    the mille crepe can get in kl, but they say not original

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  16. Nadia says:

    Happy Birthday Ashley! 🙂

  17. mom2ashley says:

    happy birthday to ashley!
    BTW, where did you get her shoes? I’m trying to look for some nice decent shoes for ashley.

  18. laundryamah says:

    Happy Bday Ashley…agree with u that our kids will always be our babies..

  19. HMom says:

    Happy belated bday, pretty girl

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