Whilst we were there, I notice that there are many dogs in our street. The neighbour on my right has a Rottweiler. The neighbour directly opposite us has 2 dogs but I don’t know the breed. His neighbour has a dog. Then, another neighbour which is 3 houses to our left has 2 dogs too. Gee…I guess the name of our street should be changed to Jalan Banyak Anjing instead 😀
watcha looking at??
I am just concern that when we move into the house, Ashley will be frightened each time these dogs bark. My neighbours’s Rottie is pretty fierce. Ashley is rather timid and would jump each time she hears a loud noise. Also whenever we visit my dad at his office, she would cling to me tightly whenever she sees the dogs 😀 Hopefully she’ll get over this and grow up to be braver 😀
i had rottweilers before too. they tend to be agitated when they see kids…dunno y..
I guess the Rottweilers aren’t as kid friendly as the German Shepherds or the Spaniels… maybe if she see those cute cute ones she’ll get over her fears?
just be real careful no matter what. better net up your gate. just in case.
u’re moving ar?
laundryamah – i think rotties are agitated whenever they see strangers 🙁
sue – hopefully 😉 just the barking from any dogs will frighten her 🙁
mott – thanks for your advice..actually after reading your comment, I just remember that i have read in the news before about dogs jumping over the wall or gate to attack people. I’m rather worried now about the rottie next door. Wonder if it could jump over 🙁
annie – hehehehe..yeah…later this year, i hope 😀