The baby who does not drink milk

Yes and the baby is mine. I want to blog about this so that I can show Ashley when she is older just how naughty she is 😀

When Ashley was born, she started taking 2 oz of milk every 2 hours. Then it increased to 3oz after her full moon. On the 3rd month, she suddenly drank only 1 oz. I became frantic and tried to make her finish her milk but she just kept on crying. I also cried with her. We took her to see the paed and she advised me to feed her only after 3 1/2 hours. After a few attempts, she finished the milk. The following month, the same thing happened and I tried to coax her to finish her milk by singing to her. She managed to finish it and from then on, I have to sing to her all the time just so that she would finish it.

When she reached 9 months old, she just stopped drinking milk completely. NO amount of coaxing helped. I changed to soy milk, changed the milk bottles and teats, used sippy cup, etc but nothing will make her drink her milk. Finally, we found a way. Spoonfeeding. Oh, it’s not as easy as that. She would only drink when she is watching advertisements. I began to tape all the advertisements for her and play them when it’s time for Ashley to drink her milk. Now, she drinks (spoonfed) 8 oz of milk, 3 times a day! People will think I’m crazy to do this but that’s the only way to get her to drink her milk. I have been doing it for the past 1 year now. On and off, I would give her the sippy cup with milk but she will not take it.

Whenever we go out, Ashley will not be able to drink her milk as No Advertisements = No Milk. As a replacement, I’ll give her cheese and jar food. This is a major problem that we, or rather I am facing because I take care of her full-time 🙁 It is very stressful indeed! I wonder when all these would stop and she’ll drink milk just like a normal kid. Oh and she doesn’t like to drink water too.

I guess I’m still lucky compared to my friend, Priscillia. Her daughter will be turning 2 next month and ever since she was born, she doesn’t like milk. She only took 5 oz of milk for 1 whole day! Now her daughter doesn’t like to eat anything except bread. I can imagine the amount of stress Priscillia is facing. It is really tough being a parent.

I don’t have a photo of Ashley which is related to drinking milk so l’m posting this very funny picture of Yoda 😀

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15 Responses to The baby who does not drink milk

  1. Desperate Mummy says:

    Hi..don’t be so sad as I have came across the same matters and most of them grow up healthy. As for my daughter she’s now slowly by slowly don’t want to drink milk but I think is ok as long as their are healthy and they eat variety food. Don’t force her let her.

  2. Vien says:

    Why not try sippy cup or even a cup. Some kids may transition straight to cup. It will take some time for you to wean her off the advertisement but it is doable.

  3. Annie Q says:

    Hi,nice to meet up with u yesterday.Hmmmmm…i can see that Ashley really watch lots of ad.When she saw OSIM yesterday,she is pointing that!hahah….so cute!Dont worry, she still look healthy,and very active!hehe!

  4. sweetpea says:

    hey barbara, no sweat. there are other ways of getting calcium into her. yoghurt, cheese, or maybe flavoured milk? maybe milk with milo? or does she like different types of characters on her cups? aidan loves his thomas, superman, spiderman, nemo, elmo, winnie pooh juice bottles (i know i know!) and i alternate them everyday to get him to drink WATER!
    at 3years and 4months now, he’s having 8oz each in the morning and evening, and half of that in the afternoon when he wakes up. i guess i am lucky here, but if she likes her yoghurt or cheese, then it’s ok. just give her a variety of that and see which one she prefers. be patient, just don’t bang head like me!

  5. Sasha says:

    oh no…dun worry fren. You already hang in there for like so long. Soon when she turn completely to solid..then no problem edi. Or why not make another baby so she will follow her didi/meimei to drink fren ma..hahaha

  6. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    desperate mummy – Thanks. I worry a lot about Ashley not drinking enough milk. Will introduce more variety of food to her.

    vien – i tried to give her water in the sippy cup and she only wants to play with it. she actually doesn’t want the taste of milk at all so by spoonfeeding, in a way, i’m forcing her to take it. will crack my head to wean her off the ads 😀

    annie – yeah, it’s really nice to finally see you. oh, ashley is hyperactive. that’s why she doesn’t put on weight.

    sweetpea – ashley used to take cheese and but lately she doesn’t like it anymore 🙁 There is only 1 type of yoghurt for toddler over here – petit miam and it comes in a pack of 6. she didn’t like it so i stopped buying. hmmm..maybe i should try again. she likes barney so i’ll try to look for a barney sippy cup. hopefully she’ll drink water/milk from it (pray),

  7. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    sasha – thanks. her paed said she has to drink at least 20 oz a day at her age so that’s why i’m worried. another baby??? no way la. this one is already driving me nuts. my hubby wants another one of course so i asked him to book me a place in Tg. Rambutan.

  8. Oscar's Mommy says:

    dont be so sad. i am one of those bb who stop drinking milk when i was only 6mths old! my mom tot i sot sot liow so took me to doc and also go ‘maan saan’ (ask GOD direct translation!) see, turn out that i am also a ‘fei poh’. no worries, as long as ashley is taking solids, she can have her milk in smaller portion. cheers.

  9. laundryamah says:

    ayo my kylie also becoming liddat, cannot finish her very expensive milk also, must do jazzmint’s style, throw the milk bottles away!

  10. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    oscar’s mummy – thanks 🙂 my mum also wanted to go ‘maan san’ but I asked her not to becos I don’t want Ashley to drink any ‘fu’ water (just in case) 😀

    laundryamah – at least little kylie is still drinking from the bottle. Mine only wants to play with the bottle. Dunno what’s wrong with kids nowadays.

  11. mott says:

    All i can say is, save ur milk money la. Why not try those full cream milk. She is big enough to take it already! Try 1 box first la..she can drink with straw or not?

    My fren’s daughter also the same…never like milk. My fren didn’t worry..coz she prefer to eat. So, she stopped giving milk. Then my fren got No.2 (boy). He don’t like to eat…only like to drink milk. He’s already 2+…still only drink milk..don’t want solids. Pengsan or not? Two kids..but diff problems!

    SO!!!!! Don’t worry abt this problem ok? As long as she is healthy and eating solids….CAN LA!

  12. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    Mott – Tried giving her the straw but she only took a few sips of water. Then started to play with it instead of drinking 🙁 Will try the full cream milk 😀 Tks.

  13. mom2ashley says:

    that’s really funny eh? how come she doesn’t want to drink milk? I can understand how you are feeling..if my ashley doesn’t want to drink her milk – i’d be stressed!

  14. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    Mom2ashley – Hi! Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog 😀 Been a great fan of yours since your Ashley was a few months old. Emmmm…do you know who I am? I have been leaving comments in your blog but using my real name cos I didn’t have a blog then 😀 Wish my daughter is as good as yours 😀

  15. jean says:

    hi.. i understand totally how u are feeling and the stress u are having. Tho’ my grace is ok with milk but her food…. she keeps food in her mouth and take sooooooooo long to finish just 1/4 of it. When u mentioned abt priscilla, oh… i can feel the stress. it has been 2yrs now and i don’t know when grace will eat faster. If Ashley is not drinking milk or doesn’t want to, give her more cheese to replace the calcuim she needs. Anything that is high in calcium. Does she eats her solid well?

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