Hubby bought Ashley a set of animals from the pasar malam recently. She likes them a lot and plays with them everyday. She usually assemble all the animals on the floor or table and then get us to identify each animal. Actually she knows every animal but doesn’t know how to say them yet. Whenever she accidentally tripped one of them, she would say “sorry” and put it up again 😀
Since my mum is here this week, Ashley has been doing many silly things with her por por. One of them is asking my mum to cover her head with the animals. Then, we have to ask “where is Ashley” a few times. She would then quickly move the animals away and giggle. My mum has to do this a few times everyday 😀 Oh, and she only wants her por por to cover her head with the animals. hehehehehe.
hahaha her own funny game idea.
Hahaha! I can’t stop laughing. Ashley so cute 😛
We got a set too at home…hehe…so cute Ashley
The toy animals arre really worth the price. Ashley is having so much fun…. 🙂 🙂
Thanks for the comments at my blog. You can check out this old post of mine when I brought my kids to the sg ZOO.
Haha… so funny Ashley. Let’s see how fast she’ll get bored with em ok? My gals normally get bored of their new toys within a few days.
haha why cover the face one LOL
LOL! Your gal is too funny. Luckily they left her little nose uncovered.
u wonder wat she’s thinking! the pic is funny 🙂
mommy of 2 angels – yeah..she has lots of funny ideas.
desperate mummy – sometimes she does crack us up 😀
mummy to qiqi – her daddy is going to get another set which consist of farm animals…let’s see if she’ll do the same next time.
j@n!ice – yeah. good thing is that she knows all the animals now. Tks for the link. will check it out soon.
health freak mommy – oh, she gets bored easily too but with the animals, she’s still doing ok.
jazzmint – i have no idea too 😀
vien – her por por is afraid she won’t be able to breath *rolls eyes*
sasha – hahahaha
sweetpea – we all laugh like crazy whenever she does that..:D
Ashle so cute lar to cover her face with all those animals! Mabe I should get some for Darrius… sometimes pasar malam stuff also quite good hor? 😛