Another Tooth

Yes….I saw another tooth coming out. No, it’s not Ashley but me 😀 The tooth is on the upper right side at the very far end of my mouth. I really don’t understand why I am suddenly growing a wisdom tooth. I thought my jawbone has already reached its adult size. It’s rather uncomfortable and the tooth is not coming out the right direction as my other teeth. Boy, I am so afraid of seeing a dentist and have it removed! A wisdom tooth in my 30’s? Does it mean I’m getting smarter?
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9 Responses to Another Tooth

  1. Mummy to QiQi says:

    so late ya it appears…i oredi removed 2 of mine from the bottom, another 2 to go!!

  2. Sasha says:

    WISDOM tooth ah?

  3. ShannonC. says:

    wei, better check it…
    like mine last time, didn’t grow in alignment to the rest, end up pushing the rest of my teeth until senget a bit in the front…

    and i have all 4 of my wisdoom teeth extracted… ALL FOUR! hahaha

  4. Annie Q says:

    crack ur brain too much writting ppp till ur wisdom tooth also come out…kekekekekeke

  5. Health Freak Mommy says:

    R u sure it’s a tooth and not anything else LOL? Well if it’s really your wisdom tooth, then, you’ve grown wiser LOL!

  6. mott says:

    Yea…it’s always been there…

    you have to get it out… or else…

  7. Dawn says:

    I just found out you are Debbie’s sister!! what a small world!

  8. Jo says:

    eh, wanna get it extract or not ?? we go together ?? i’ve one coming out half way

    Dawn, debbie and i was just talking about you last nite as she saw your mini pic on my sis’s blog 🙂 anyway, i’m their youngest sis 🙂

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