Nowadays, I spend any time I have just sitting in front of the laptop. I’m sure you can guess that it is because I have been doing paid posts like crazy. Gotta make some $$$ so that I can go for my retail therapy. LOL. At times, I neglect Ashley and my housework is not done đ You can see my pile of newly cleaned clothes not folded here. Bad mommy.
When my mum is here, she would help me out by taking Ashley out for walks so that I can do some work at the computer, do some ironing and feed Ashley đ Sometimes when Ashley is really bored and can’t get me to leave my computer, she would do this……
Climb onto the table and start to poke around the laptop *slaps forehead*. Then I’ll have no choice but to stop what I’m doing and play with my little monkey.
Fully understand your situation. I hv 2 toddlers, which make it even worse but good thing i hv a maid to help with the household chores. I wonder how you can cope with no maid, hats off to u!
Hehe.. That’s why I’ve not been doing PPP in a looooonnnggg time. LOL!
my gal not at home also difficult to get them done, what’s more if she is..
you are not alone. đ
hahaha…that’s y, y i stop doing ppp lo.