If I Have $1 Million

The Tag season has dawned upon us again. I’ve just been triple tagged for this. Who tagged me? A soon-to-be mommy of 3, a super duper fit and healthy mommy and a shopping queen mommy. They want to know what I would do if I have $1 Million dollars. I always dream about this and wish that it would come true one day ;D If it does, here’s what I would do –

$ – pay up our mortgage…..so that hubby and I do not have to live in fear that we would be kicked out of the house by the bank ;D

$ – go on a shopping spree at Rodeo Drive

$ – have a vacation at some exotic destination and have buttlers wait on me 24 hour a day ;D

$ – give some $$ to my family and keep some $$ for rainy days

$ – give some $$ to the orphanage and old folks home

Ahhh….I don’t think I wanna tag anyone because almost everyone has done this tag. Some mommies have just given birth too so I don’t wanna disturb them 😀 However, if anyone who reads this would like to do it, just let me know…I’ll put your link here.

Instructions :

**Start Copy**

Proposition: If you Have $1,000,000.00…………………………………

Requirements: continue above sentences

Tag Mode: 5 blogger
1st – You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd – Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.

What They Do With Their $1 Million
1. SYH will spend for Family.
2. Miche will give to the needy.
3. Montessorimum will keepsake
4. LaundryAmah will spend a lot and not keep!
5. Health Freak Mommy will keep, invest, spend and give to the needy.
6. Mommy to Chumsy will use some and keep some

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2 Responses to If I Have $1 Million

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    That bad meh, need to go to Rodeo Drive for a makeover, hahaha……

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    health freak mommy – wei…you so fast commented already? not sleeping again and try to grab opps is it?? hahahaha.

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