The packet of milk has about 1/4 left when I found those bugs. I called their Customer Service right away and the lady who took my call asked me to keep aside this packet and they would send someone to retrieve it from me. A few days later, their child nutrition advisor dropped by. She asked me for more information like where and when I purchased this milk powder. I told her I bought it from the medicinal shop nearby. She took the packet back for testing and will keep me updated on the results. Before she left, she also gave me a bag of goodies –
A cute bag and t-shirt for Ashley and a box of dug*o in its new packaging. The nutrition advisor called me up last week to keep me informed of the outcome. She said their lab found a tiny hole at the bottom of the packet. Guess that explains how those pesky bugs were inside. I still have 3 packets of milk powder unopened. Must really check them thoroughly ;D. Luckily the new packaging now comes in a box so there is extra protection. Scary!
My little D is also on En**grow. Sine they introduced the new version (with choline and DHA, etc) I also noticed her stools getting harder. But I just reduced the quantity of the milk powder, more diluted and her stools were back to normal. My nephew who was on the same milk was warned by the paed that that would happen if on full strength milk. I guess it is more “por” (nuticious?).No?
mummy to chumsy, doesn’t it feel nice to be bribed ??? hehe…
EEEEIIII….. must really open eyes big big. They should give you at least months supply for not bringing it up the media. đ
eh? I thot the new enfa is supposed to be less heaty or something?
i dont’ know la. I sapu-ed all the old enfa stock, coz fahlian and others are selling them really cheap now.
Wow..!! they so el cheapo..!!! give you so little things.. to compensate you..!! Wanna keep you appease must give more stuff lah..!! hhahha!!
Irfan’s on Enfapro. So far so good. But good customer service lah and yeah, should check if box is still okay. Scarrryyyy…
Sherilyn, my 2nd gal also cannot stand the added choline in the new Enfagrow and had bad constipation until i switched her to a cheap milk, i.e. Dutch Lady. Now, no prob with her poopy biz and I only give her Enfagrow once a day at nite. I also give her prune juice everyday.
Wow! They give u free stuff, no bad hor…heheehee..
Now i know, if find something wrong with the milk powder, i can complain and get free stuff…;)
But their customer service act fast and good!
stay-at home mum – i did exactly like what you have done but still no improvement on the stool đ
mummy to qiqi – hehe….actually i’m still not sure if what they said is true ;D
etcetera-mommy – heehe…they didn’t know i have a blog đ
mott – i find this more heaty compared to the other enfa milk. maybe it depends on individual. Eh, Pao Chien is cheaper đ
mamabok – hahhaha…i would prefer they give me another box of milk instead of the bag and tshirt…*greedy*
nadia – Enfapro was still ok for Ashley. Guess they gotta act on it in case i complain more…hahahaha
health freak mummy – wow…2 kinds of milk powder? Is that ok?
annie – yeah must complain…i do that all the time…i’m a big complainer! hahahah
I’m doubtful about their explanation though. But they sure know how to keep customer’s complain quiet đ