Of Barney and Playhouse Disney

I am really thankful that Ashley loves to watch Barney and some of the programmes in Playhouse Disney channel such as Make Way for Noddy and JoJo Circus. I find that she is picking up a lot of things from watching these programmes and hopefully her speech will improve soon. She loves the songs in these programmes and will start to dance whenever she hears them. At least I get to do some work when she is busy watching Barney in the morning.
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1 Response to Of Barney and Playhouse Disney

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Barney is the best bbsitter for my gals too. The only time i get to do my work in peace is when they watch Barney or High 5. High 5 is also very educational. Even i love watching it, esp the dancing movements and songs.

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