Tag : SAHM vs FTWM

I have been tagged by the Health Freak Mummy who wants to know if I want to be a SAHM (stay at home mum) or FTWM (full time working mum).

Like Shireen, I have considered going back to work too whenever Ashley drives me up the wall or when I have too much housework. However, I couldn’t bear to send Ashley to the babysitter or get a maid to help after hearing stories and reading all kinds of news in the papers about children being abused, etc.

When I was still working, I always complain about having to work for a difficult boss. The mental stress was unbearable. Eventually I quit my job because I couldn’t stand it and I think because of the stress, I couldn’t conceive. Then a few months after I left, I got pregnant 😀

However, after having Ashley, I find it even more difficult being a SAHM 😀 However, after 2 years, I don’t think I want to go back to working anymore. I want to be with Ashley all the time. I don’t think I can concentrate on my work without seeing Ashley 😀 Geez….I think I’ll have separation anxiety too…LOL. Yeah….I’m one crazy momma.

Ah…I think I won’t be tagging anyone cos most of them have already done this tag. Anyway, the list is as follows :-

1. Immomsdaughter prefers to be a SAHM
2. Etcetera~Mommy prefers to be a FTWM
3. MummyInVain prefers to be a SAHM
4. Lovely Mummy prefers to be a SAHM
5. Mommy of 2 angles prefers to be a FTWM
6. Health Freak Mommy prefers to be a SAHM

7. Chumsy’s Mummy prefers to be a SAHM

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2 Responses to Tag : SAHM vs FTWM

  1. mommy of 2 angels says:

    salute u lah for all ur sacrifices!!

  2. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Tks 4 doing the tag.

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