What’s with the bag?

No, no wait, please……..this is NOT a sponsored post ;D

I first saw this bag in one of the fashion magazines. They were a few photos showing some celebrities (I forgot who they are) carrying this bag, looking so hip and sassy ;D I like it from the very first sight. It must have cost a bomb for this bag, or so I thought. I didn’t know that this particular bag has reached our Malaysian shore until I read about it in the newspaper recently.

Actually there was a big hoo-ha over its sale on the first day. Apparently some people started queuing at KLCC as early as 6am when the store only opens at 11am. These big fans waited eagerly to get their hands on this gorgeous bag but many left feeling disappointed and angry because the number of bags for sale was less than what was reported. Oh, I forgot to mention that this bag was going for RM50 each. Can you believe that?? I would have set up a tent and spend the night outside KLCC if I knew of it sooner. Sigh…..I wonder if they are going to bring more in. You think Petaling Street got ah?

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12 Responses to What’s with the bag?

  1. Angeleyes says:

    eerrr…. nice bag ah? Ok maybe I’m not so ‘in’ anymore… LOL

    I’m sure PS will carry some stock if there are huge demand for the bag…

  2. Vien says:

    Angeleyes, this is not ordinary bag la..it’s meant for holding grocery.

    Anyway, my sister was one of those crazy ones who stood in line early in the morning. She didn’t get a bag ‘cos there were ppl who pre-reg for those bags. I think it is unfair for those who stood in line but *shrug* that’s how they want it to be.

  3. Samm says:

    Where got nice? Like Ah Soh market bag lidat.

  4. mama bok says:

    They encouraged this kinda bags at sobeys.. and superstore now.. at .99cents each.. i should take a picture of mine.. and show you . 😉

  5. Oscar's Mommy says:

    sorry but i am one of those kiasu woman… dying to own that bag!!! haha… but now tarak liow, so i asked my friend to help me get it in HK… *cross my fingers*

  6. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    angeleyes – hahaha…this is a very very nice bag that I like very very much.

    vien – oh no…your sis must be devastated. over here, i think they said there will be 2000 on sale but on actual day, on a few hundreds. Very unfair really.

    samm – i am ah soh alredi mah…so i’m attracted to ah soh bag lah..hahahahah

    mamabok – heheeh….i think the celebrities didn’t use that bag for groceries. i think i wont too if i have one….too precious ;D

    oscar’s mummy – aiyo…lucky you lah..eh, i heard the people from hong kong also came over to queue at KLCC. must show off if you get it, ok?

  7. Mummy to QiQi says:

    haha….this bag came out in news…no worry lar….later our petaling street will come out with even nicer, shimmering and shinning gold designs…hahaha…

  8. Jo says:

    i can do for u also lah !
    gimme a white plain bag (plastic bag also can) .. i will write for u. sell u cheap cheap.

    no need to camp in front of klchi chi wor :)worth it lah !

  9. mott says:

    oh..the anya hindmarch bag ah..

    sigh..for RM50 for a bag whose designer normally produces plastic bags costing RMxxxx

    i’m boycotting her… boo!!!

  10. Zara's Mama says:

    RM50 and you still need to queue long long and may still get dissapointed?

    Hermis ah?

  11. Zara's Mama says:

    Wah.. looks like Mott is very fashionable.. not like me.. 😛 *just read her comment*

  12. Annie Q says:

    Saw this bag on the magazine too!But didnt pay much attention!Didn’t know it make a big hoo haa too!

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