I bought some dragon fruit last year and let Ashley tried some but she didn’t like it. I got the ones which was white on the inside. Since then, I haven’t bought any because I don’t know how to buy sweet ones ;D A few days ago, my dad bought some dragon fruit and I gave some to Ashley. Boy, she loves it. It was really sweet and juicy.
Each time I only give Ashley about 3/4 of the half portion. Since she loves them, my dad has bought more for Her Royal Highness 😀 I asked my dad how he managed to choose the ones that are sweet and he said he just asked the seller to choose for him. Does anyone know how to buy sweet ones?
by the look of it, they are very juicy, isnt it? too bad my gal doesnt like them 🙁
Im also not sure wor.. my MIL always buy so I gets to eat them. Sometimes juicy most of the time not 😛
I’m a great fan of red dragon fruit too and thankfully my gals love them too. Red dragon fruits are very nutricious. I notice that if the skin is dark coloured then the fruit will be sweet.
I also don’t know wor. My MIL always buy. But I tak makan lah. Hehe. Sedap ah?
so dont get shock when ashley get “bloody poo poo” ya…hehehe
Btw, try not to buy those that come from Vietnam as a friend of my uncle who has a huge dragon fruits plantation in China said those from Vietnam could be planted on landmines… so there are chances the fruits might have some chemical growing in it…