Account Freezed

When I read about this mommy’s account being freezed by P** yesterday, I really felt bad for her. Then when I checked my email this morning, I got the shocked of my life. My account with P** is also freezed. The email mentioned that it was brought to their attention that something had happened and they need to suspend it for a week for further investigation. What have I done? No interim/filler posts in between? Eventhough I do paid posts for other advertisers, I always make sure that there is a non-paid post between every P** post that I do.
Investigate all you want but don’t freeze my account. It’s like a slap in the face. To be honest, I am very dissappointed. We are just stay-at-home mothers trying to make some extra money. It is already difficult trying to grab the opportunities and now this has to happen.
Someone who visited my blog must have seen that I have been doing quite a number of paid posts and is not happy about it. What are you, yes you… I am talking about YOU, getting in return for reporting to P**? Cash reward or some shiny award for your bedside table? Do you sleep better at night for having done this? Well, I have something for you. To the person or persons who have done this to us mommies, may you choke on your food each time you eat and purge nonstop. THANK YOU!
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16 Responses to Account Freezed

  1. Annie Q says:

    Aiyo..y this people so jealous???
    Dont feel sad barbara, cheers up!

  2. Mummy to QiQi says:

    wah….yesterday baru chat with that mummy about it, another one here…..y like that one?

  3. Angeleyes says:

    *sigh* somestimes we wonder why these people wanna do something like that??? Anyway, Barb, cheer up ok? At least now you can sleep at night for a week… take it as a vacation. The world is round, who goes around comes around… I’m sure the person who do this to you will get his/her retribution one day.

  4. HMom says:

    they actually freeze accounts ah?

  5. Elly says:

    aiyo, all ur hardwork gone? will u get the money later for posts written? feel so sad for u. Nvm, cheer up n take a break! come, i belanja u coffee at starbucks ok?

    p/s eh, can ppl actually do that ah? for what? thot hv rules n regulations to follow.

  6. IMMomsDaughter says:

    I just heard about Montessorimum’s one and now yours! I thought Montessorimum got an explanation on the suspension but only now I know TigaP did not send any. That’s really not fair. I think they should have at least inform you why your account was suspended.

    I have not written for PPP for 2-3 days and only wrote one for them this morning. So much hoo ha happening at TigaP.

  7. IMMomsDaughter says:

    Btw, wanted to tell you to check your Bloglog, you might be able to narrow down who is the spy.

  8. montessorimum says:

    Chill out…take it as a holiday. 🙂

    I was really surprise you kena also, coz I never notice any errand in your blog post. Unlike me , quite easy to be caught actually… 😛


    I actually got the same notice as Barb..i only guess the reason of suspension from the posts kena the real reason of suspension, saya tak tahu.

  9. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Yalor, why are these ppl so jealous? Nvm, i alwiz console myself by saying ‘what comes around goes around’.
    BTW, PPP also not many offers these days. 1 week will pass by very quickly.
    Cheer up and dont forget your friend here is alwiz here to support you thru SMS and the CNN network!

  10. jazzmint says:

    aiyo, so teruk one…siapa gold finger, mali sama sama masak dia!!

  11. Shireen Loh says:

    to me, the only way to get aournd these is to continue writing but make it more hmmpphh everytime…advertisers wld know that your value and everntually there’s nothing TigaP can do…ok sorry, hi, blog hopped since i’m at it…

  12. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for your messages of encouragement and support. I really appreciate them ;D Actually, I don’t really miss TigaPi. I’m just p*ss off because someone is backstabbing us. Anyway, I still have loads of assignments from other advertisers ;D We, mommies, WILL SURVIVE!!!

  13. Blur Mommy says:

    wow, I didn’t know that they can freeze acct lidat!! Whoever is doing this so teruk! I guess $ does bring out the evil in ppl. 🙁

  14. LA My Home says:

    sorry to hear about your account in peti sejuk. wonder why these ppl want to do like that, just keep their hands in their own shirts mar. come kacau kacau the stay at home mom trying to earn some extra money for sek fan. tsk tsk tsk. lucky you still got other opps from diff source coming. tiga p very strict lately.


  15. mott says:

    actually, to be honest, I’m a bit suspicious about the whole thing. It might be a system screw up .. or something. I didn’t get a frozen a/c..but I got a notice to validate my email. Which is odd, considering I’ve been a member for quite a while already..and only now they send me such validation verification?

    Don’t take it too heart la…it might be something system-wise..and not a personal thing.

  16. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    blur mommy – is the root of all evil 😀

    whoisbaby – thanks for dropping by ;D those gold finger people have nothing better to do i guess 🙂

    mott – thanks for your comments 🙂 I really think someone is trying to do something. If you read about what happened to some mommies like msaufong & shoppingmum, you’ll know what i mean ;D

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