August 8

While doing a paid post just now, I realised that today is August 8th. This is the day that my hubby and I registered our marriage in Toronto ;D That was way back in 1992. Pretty long eh? Yeah…we are an old couple already ;D Both of us were in our early 20’s then and my husband was already a PR of Canada. We had to get married because I need to have a PR in order to stay in Canada with him. Being so young and naive, we just simply chose a convenient date to coincide the weekend. It so happened that the date was August, 8th which sounds auspicious according to the Chinese ;D I wonder if my hubby remembers about our wedding anniversary.
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11 Responses to August 8

  1. Elly says:

    HAPPY 15th ANNIVERSARY…n many many more to come!! Go celebrate tonite n plan a BIG one next year…it’s 08.08.08!


  2. Nadia says:

    Waaahhh.. Happy 15th anniversary! 🙂 Why aren’t you guys residing in Canada?

  3. mama bok says:

    Happy Anniversary..!

  4. Annie Q says:

    Happy Anniversary!!!!!

  5. Mummy to QiQi says:

    happy anniversary to you…also curious why u choose to come back here istead of living there, hehe…

  6. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Happy 15th registration anniversary to you! Wah, you both loa foo loa chai already hor.

  7. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Happy Anniversary Barbaba… 😀

  8. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    elly – thanks 😀 no celebration lah…old already. yeah…must plan for the big one next year.

    nadia – thank you 😀 hubby wants to come back to msia after a few years there. he said it’s better here. there are pros and cons ;D since i married him, gotta follow him wherever he goes.

    mamabok – merci beaucoup, jan ;D

    annie – thank you, thank you 😀

    mummy to qiqi – thanks 😀 hubby’s choice and we were young and naive then 😀

    health freak mummy – hehehe…yah loh fu loh chai already 😀

    etcetera mommy – thanks Yvonne.

  9. Sasha says:

    Wuah toronto So are u guys still PR there?

    Happy anniversary!!

  10. jean says:

    Happy Anniversary to you!!! 🙂

  11. Angeleyes says:

    Happy Belated Anniversary!!!!! 15 years???? That’s a loooong time!

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