Sorry Mommy….

After dinner last night, Ashley went into the computer room with her daddy. She loves playing inside the room as there are many things for her to explore. She would play with the fax phone, files, etc. This computer room is also used as a store room where we keep most of the household items.

My husband was as usual, busy playing with his computer games. I heard a loud thud and then my husband’s voice, Oh No!“. He didn’t notice that Ms. Curious has taken a bottle of NappiKleen and because the bottle is quite heavy, it slipped from her hands. When I went to take a look, the floor was covered with bluish liquid. The father and daughter dared not move and just stared at me. I quickly carried Ashley to the bathroom and wash her feet. Then I went back to the room and clean up the mess. About 3/4 of the NappiKleen was on the floor and I had to use 2 rolls of toilet paper to soak them up and at least 5 pails of water to wipe the floor *pengsan* I was really angry at both of them. My husband was supposed to keep an eye on her but he did not and Ms. Curious should not be playing with those things in the room 🙁

When I came out of the room, Ashley said sorry and for the rest of the night, she didn’t dare to go inside the room 😀
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8 Responses to Sorry Mommy….

  1. jazzmint says:

    well at least she said sorry..ok lah…mine will just keep quiet :S

  2. Jo says:

    u’re so fierce, of course she dare not go in anymore lah ! did you tell her to say “sorry” or she said it on her own ?

  3. HMom says:

    Poor girl – she must have been terrified

  4. Health Freak Mommy says:

    If i were you, i’d surely hit her hands. I can imagine the mess caused. But Ashley is so sweet, even knows how to say sorry.

  5. Elly says:

    poor u n poor ashley! at least she said sorry. i can imagine the MESS! Keep those detergent out of reach from ms curious next time! btw, did u turn on the cap tightly after use? or the cap pecah whn she dropped it on the floor??

  6. Elly says:

    oops…the cap pecah la…saw on the pic!! lucky thing that heavy bottle didnt drop n kena her feet!

  7. Annie Q says:

    Yea, at least Ashley said boys are..they wont said sorry, they just look at me!Worst!
    Eh..u also use Nappi too, but i use the powder type.

  8. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    jazzmint – hahah…ashley would say sorry whenever things fall down 😀

    jo – i think her daddy asked to say sorry 😀

    hmom – good that she is terrified ;D

    health freak mommy – whenever i hit ashley’s hands, she would think that i’m playing with her and she’ll giggle 🙁

    elly – it was back breaking to clean up the mess. actually that bottle is a new one.

    annie – haven’t tried the powder form before. hmmm….if it’s powder form which dropped on the floor, probably easier to clean up the mess…hahahah

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