Afraid of the rain

It rained between 12 midnight to 2am for the past 2 nights over here. Ashley was sleeping during this time and when she heard the rain outside the window, she started to cry. The rain must have woken her up and because there was no one in the dark room, she became scared. I quickly rushed into the room and hugged her. She kept insisting on going out of the bedroom and at first I thought she wanted to drink some water. I brought her to the kitchen and gave her a drink. Then when I took her into the bedroom, she started crying even louder 🙁 Ashley kept looking out at the window with big teardrops rolling down her cheeks. I tried to calm her down by singing and talking to her and half an hour later, she went back to sleep. My munchkin is really timid but it’s strange that she’s not afraid when it rains during the day. Guess I better read up on some parenting books to find out more about fears in toddlers.
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1 Response to Afraid of the rain

  1. mama bok says:

    Chloe is this way too..! i donch understand it myself.. 🙁 everything she said .. she is frightened..!

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