Another Crazy Day!!

Since this afternoon, the internet connection has been crazy. It’s so hard to load photos and do my posts. It’s taking an extremely long time to view my site too 🙁 Very frustrating indeed! I tried to submit a post and the whole page hang. Then when I logged on to P**to check for offers, the website is taking forever to load. I wonder if it’s the streamyx fault? I am going insane already!!! Plus Ashley won’t let me sit too long at the computer and tugging my hand all the time 🙁
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2 Responses to Another Crazy Day!!

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Same situation here. I think it’s streamyx problem. I had wasted so much time today trying to sign in, then gotta wait forever for the page to load and I cant even upload pix. Worse, i think my PC kaput already, so tomorrow it will have to go to the computer shop for repair 🙁

  2. mama bok says:

    I hear ya..! chloe is this way too..! she told PB last nite.. “Papa.. you do mummy’s opp.. and mummy come sleep with me..” muahahahahhaha!!!

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