Ashley Has Conjunctivitis

This morning after Ashley woke up, I noticed that her left eyelid was quite swollen and red. My heart sank again. I have a phobia now ever since she had the stye surgery a few months back 🙁 Actually I noticed a little red bump on her eye about 2 weeks ago and took her to see her paed. I have been applying eye ointment on her eye and it didn’t get bigger. But today, it just looked so red. Brought her to the paed again and she said Ashley has conjunctivitis. Gave her some antibiotics, syrup to reduce swelling, eye drops and eye ointment. It’s not easy to apply the drops which has to be done once every 3 hours. She kept fussing 🙁 The ointment is once a day and will have to do it every night, before she goes to bed. I hope I can successfully apply it. Wish me luck 😀

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7 Responses to Ashley Has Conjunctivitis

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    I know how you feel. Do you have anyone to help you when you put the drops onto Ashley’s eye?
    If she fusses, what about distracting her with her favorite things like putting on a Barney VCD or put her favorite food or toy in her hand?
    I hope she recovers soon.

  2. etceteramommy says:

    I only apply oinment and eyedrops when Ryan is asleep. Hope Ashley recover fast….. Big one from auntie Yvonne. Muakss…

  3. mama bok says:

    Ahhh..! bummer..!! hope Ash.. feels better real soon..! i know how it is. .when our kids get sick.

  4. mom2ashley says:

    poor ashley!!!!…hope she gets well soon..

  5. Big Pumpkin says:

    Oh, get well soon, Ashley….*hugs*

  6. Vien says:

    She’s quite prone to eye infection, huh? Did the doc say anything about preventive measures?

  7. IMMomsDaughter says:

    Poor Ashley, get well soon.

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