Cannot Be Found

Just received an email from my BIL and he said my MIL’s luggage bag is still missing 🙁 It’s almost 2 weeks now and chances of retrieving the bag is slim. BIL asked us if we remember more descriptions of my MIL’s luggage bag so that he can file a claim with Air Canada. When my MIL called a few days ago, she told me that this bag has some 3-in-1 drinks that her sons wanted, a bottle of sesame oil and wine to be used during my SIL’s confinement and some of Ashley’s baby clothes 🙁 Well, MIL got the oil and wine because she said these are very good brands and they can’t be found in Toronto 😀 She even put some of the jewelleries which are gifts for the baby in her check-in luggage and luckily they were in the other bag. Otherwise the loss would be greater.
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