Coffee and Cakes

This is a continuation of our eating session last Saturday at Plaza Damas 😀 After the yummylicious Japanese food, we went to San Terri Cafe for some coffee and cakes. Oh, not immediately after dinner though ;D We walked around the mall for over an hour and then decided to have some coffee. Starbucks was packed, so we headed one floor down. Ashley kept insisting on going into Starbucks eventhough we told her that there is no place to sit. All those trips to Starbucks made her very familiar with that place…..heheheheheh.
My mum ordered a piece of chocolate fruity cake and she said it was delicious. I didn’t try it though because I was still full. My sisters and I had the Ice Mocha Coffee while my hubby ordered a funny name ice coffee (i forgot what it’s called) and he said it was good. San Terri’s food is really good and I found out that they have opened another outlet at The Gardens ;D I think I put on at least 2 pounds from all those food and drinks that day 🙁

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1 Response to Coffee and Cakes

  1. Sweetpea says:


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