Friends on TV

I totally forgot about my blogger mommies friends appearing on TV3 today. I just flipped through the channels as naughty Ashley wanted to watch something else instead of Playhouse Disney. Then I remembered…..those gals are on TODAY. It was already 12.30pm and the programme started at 12pm. Luckily their interviews started at 12.30pm. Phew!!! Who are my friends? Well they are Sasha, Shannon and Chin Nee. The interview is about mommies who blog and also do paid posts in their blogs (i think). There is another blogger mommy in the interview but I don’t know her. All of them looked great on tv. I’m so happy and excited to see them 😀 I even saw Rachel and Qiqi. However, Jayden was not there. I wonder why? I am sure they will write about this experience in their blogs. Do check them out.
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5 Responses to Friends on TV

  1. Bryan's Mama says:

    drats missed it!

  2. Health Freak Mommy says:

    I watched it too. Those ladies are all so confident. Bravo to them!

  3. Sasha says:

    Hi, jayden was there just that u know he can hardly sit down, he just too busy checking out the studio

  4. Mummy to QiQi says:

    thanks for your compliment. U dono we all with shaking knees ya…

  5. montessorimum says:

    I missed the show..*sob sob*

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