We had another round of gathering today for
Sweetpea & cutie Aidan who came back for a holiday. This time around, the group is smaller but still couldn’t really chat because of the looong table ;D Oh, the gathering was held at Delicious, Bangsar Village II. As soon as I arrived, I saw Peggy and Elly with their children. We ordered our food first and didn’t wait for the rest because I was famished. I ordered a
Chicken Caesar Salad and since Elly sat next to me, I ate some of her
Duck Confit Spaghetti. Yummy!!!. Then one by one, the mommies and their families arrived. It was my first time meeting
HealthFreakMommy and
JoAnn Kee, and oh…also
Aidan. I have known
Sweetpea for over 20 years but we haven’t met after our schooldays. Now, we just kept in touch through emails and our blogs 😀
Those who attended the gathering are:-
Jazzmint – Faythe & Vkytore
Peggy – Kiearan & Kylie
Elly & Mika
HealthFreakMommy – Alycia & Sherilyn
Mei Ling (Scribbles for My Angels) – Ellisa & Erica
Annie – Fearles & Cruz
Sweetpea & Aidan
JoAnn Kee, hubby and Ethan
Two sexy mama – Mei Ling & Peggy
part group photo – Erica, Elisa, ML, Peggy, Elly and fat ‘ol me
Sandee (sweetpea) with Aidan & Elly with Mika

Cute Ethan

Recognise these 2 adorable girls?

Jasmine and Faythe at the far end (sorry, my camera is not very canggih…no close up)
me, Elly and Annie with Fearles and Cruz
Angeline and Oscar couldn’t turn up 🙁 Sasha also couldn’t make it today. If you are wondering where my Ashley was, well, my mum and sis came to the mall so they helped take care of Ashley while I chatted with my dear friends. Otherwise, I don’t think I chat or eat in peace. LOL. They went to
Marmalade Cafe for lunch and once they finished, Ashley came over for a short while to say hi to everyone. Then my mum and hubby took her away as it was her nap time and she napped in the stroller 😀 It was a nice gathering and I had an enjoyable time catching up everyone. Thanks to Peggy for organising it 😀 You can see more photos from Jasmine’s blog for now. I think Peggy and the rest will do a post on this gathering ;D
Wah!another gathering ya.Nice photos 😀
Glad you ladies had a great time..!
Barbara u’re fast!! I havent upload my picture yet lei..hahaha
Eh..thanks for the raising to keep my boys occupied. Very thoughtful of u.
thanks for the post…my hands were full with elli napping most of the food time…but it was great to chat…& “8”.
It was really good to meet you and the rest of the bloggers. We should have more of such gatherings 🙂
wuah so many pretty mommies!
Ooooooooh… wish I was there! Glad to hear you gals had fun. 😀
and plssss… you where got old??? We “char mm tor jeh…”
wah when u took my pic why i tarak tau one LOL
thks for the pastries…very yummy! it was great to c u n let’s meet up again soon yeah! guess i’ve to go clean the cobwebs at my home soon…n post up the pics of the gathering. take care!
I was waiting for someone to post the pics. Thanks for putting them up for those who did not join in 😉