It Also Did Not Rain Today

The sky was rather gloomy around 4pm today. We were disappointed as it meant we won’t be able to take Ashley to the park again. Then after she had her milk around 5pm, the sky looked brighter and we quickly changed and headed out. On the way, it drizzled a bit and I explained to Ashley that we may not get to visit the park if it continues to rain when we reach there. She just gave me a puzzled look 😀 Thank goodness, it didn’t rain when we reached the park but it was rather windy. Ashley was so happy and ran straight to where the slide was. After about an hour of fun, we went home. When we have parked our car at the parking lot of our apartment, Ashley followed her daddy to the mail room to check for mail. Someone managed to insert flyers into all the mail boxes and when Ashley saw the flyers on the opening, she began pulling them out and threw them on the floor. Oh dear, what a mess she has created. I quickly took her out of the mail room and daddy had to pick up all the flyers from the floor.
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