Just Like Who?

Everyone I meet tells me that Ashley looks just like her daddy. I personally feel that the upper part of Ashley’s face is like her daddy while from the nose down, she looks like me 🙂 Part daddy, part mommy 😀 When I saw this fun Look-alike meter, I can’t wait to try it out and see what is the result.

I wonder how accurate this meter is ;D

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5 Responses to Just Like Who?

  1. mama bok says:

    Me thinks Ashley looks like both of you equally.. 😉 But Ash got that demure look like you .. 😉

  2. Health Freak Mommy says:

    I also think Ashley looks a combination of you and hubby. She’s got very sweet and likeable looks 🙂

  3. Desperate Mummy says:

    Em….Yes I do agreed wif others,Ashley looks like both of you.

  4. Bryan's Mama says:

    now you can gloat! keke

  5. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    mamabok – me demure look? muhahahah

    health freak mommy – thanks for the compliments ;D

    desperate mummy – hahaaah..balanced eh?

    bryan’s mama – hehehe….when i told my hubby about the result, he just shrugged 😀

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