Mr. Bean saves the day ;D

Since I have changed Ashley’s napping schedule, she didn’t get a chance to nap at home this afternoon because we went out to visit my dad. We left our home right after Ashley had her lunch and because she was sleepy, she napped in the car for about 30mins. She woke up as soon as we reached dad’s office. Luckily she wasn’t cranky when we were there. We left around 5pm and reached home at 5.30pm. As I was worried that she would doze off during dinner time, I let her nap for a while.

She fell asleep around 6.00pm and woke up crying 30 mins later 🙁 She had a bad dream and was bawling away. She screamed, cried and kept pointing to the tv (again). I asked her what she wanted and she said ‘press’ which means she wanted us to change the channel. So, we changed to Playhouse Disney but she shook her head and screamed some more. We changed a few channels but nothing seemed to work. Then, while I was flipping the channel, we came across Mr. Bean cartoon at one of the network. Ashley immediately smiled and calmed down. Phew…….guess she really like Mr. Bean. If not, I really don’t know how to calm a cranky toddler.

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1 Response to Mr. Bean saves the day ;D

  1. Annie Q says:

    tell u, i even had all Mr bean collection, just because want to keep my boys occupied. bad hor..

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