No More TV For Us

It’s official! Hubby and I can no longer watch our favourite tv programmes. Our tv has been taken over by a little person who

* is about 3 feet tall
* goes by the name Asli or chumsy
* adores the purple dinosaur and his friends
* is going through a Terrible Two stage
* loves all nursery rhymes especially Wee Willie Winkie
* loves to dance by shaking her hands and head
* doesn’t know how to pronounce the letter ‘F” hence, some words sound like this :- pag (flag), part (fart), power (flower),
* can’t get enough of phishballs
* is a french fries lover

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7 Responses to No More TV For Us

  1. Shireen Loh says:

    hey, no more tv means more quality time for each other *wink*..erm, my friend says that the purple thing, is loved by all children wan worr..funny eh..

  2. mama bok says:


  3. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Our tv is also ‘territorized’ by our 2 gals. Sometimes, I can’t even get to watch my favorite tv programs.
    I wonder why most kids love french fries eh?

  4. shern's mom says:

    terror asli.. just like every other kid. haha.
    buy another tv, can get second astro decoder half price. :S

  5. Mummy to QiQi says:

    good mah…got more healthier entertainment, hehe….

  6. jazzmint says:

    hehe tv time, like shireen say, get one more ;). or get another tv LOL

  7. JLow says:

    I know the feeling!

    In my case, the 2 women have taken over the tv:
    – Day time is the toddler girl
    – Night time is the Mummee, with her recorded Anime series…

    And I am left footing the subscription bills!

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