Ashley doesn’t want to take her usual nap at 11.30am. She kept talking and doing legs up exercise. I wanted to take a little nap myself but I guess I won’t be able to do it now. Hope she’ll nap after her lunch so that I can also do some work at the computer. Ahh….maybe this way, she would skip her nap in the evening and go to bed earlier tonight (just in case she wants me to sleep with her again). My mum always say that as a child grows older, he/she would sleep less. Is that true?
when they are older…they nap less that’s true. mine sometimes can tahan like 12 hours no sleep..but at the end of the day cranky :(, so sometimes i force her to sleep with rotan LOL
wow….yur gal takes her nap so early? QQ wakes up at about 9am, can go without nap one whole day till 10pm at nite!