Pastries For Dinner

When I was at Centerpoint, Bandar Utama today for my check-up, I made sure that I dropped by the Panadero Bakery to curb my carbo cravings 😀 It is a quaint little bakery located at the old wing of Centerpoint. Their breads are really fresh and sometimes they also sell small packets of nasi lemak which my husband said are pretty good. What I love most are the chocolate chips and almond cookies which are RM1.50 per piece. They are crunchy and delicious. However, they were all sold out when I got there 🙁 I bought some curry puffs, mini almond danish and mini chicken feullette for dinner. Guess it’s ok to induldge in these things once in a while eventhough it’s not very healthy ;D

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4 Responses to Pastries For Dinner

  1. mama bok says:

    i just want the curry puff can..??

  2. jazzmint says:

    wahh…i love pastries

  3. Shireen Loh says:

    i want the curry puff too..:) Looks so tantalising 🙂

  4. Eva says:

    em..looks yummy 😀

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