
These are Ashley’s favourite snacks…Sensible Foods made up of dried, crunchy fruits such as berries, bananas, strawberries and more. The good thing is that they contain no preservatives at all 😀 These snacks come in 3 flavors such as Orchard Blend, Tropical Blend and Cherry Berry. It cost RM3 per packet. So far, I only found them at Central Supermarket. The last time I was there, they had only 5 packets left so I bought all of them, in case they don’t bring them in anymore 🙁 Ashley loves them a lot and even I like them too. They are not very sweet too ;D

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7 Responses to Snacks

  1. mama bok says:

    Healthy snacks are great.. for kids.. 🙂 teach them young.. and they will never want junk food.. 🙂 chloe got ration.. muahahah!! in any kinda snacks or candies she has in a day. My in-laws thinks i am crazy.. at first.. when i rationed everything..but now..they can appreciate it.

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    Rationing is good eh? So that the kid will not eat too much and spoil her appetite. Thanks for the tip ;D

  3. keeyit says:

    I never see these snacks also at hypermarket.. I love to eat snacks too..

  4. Tutiger says:

    This is better choice than those potato chips and junk food. Since Central is just behind my workplace, thanks for the info too!

    BTW, you are being tagged
    At least this is better choice than those potato chips and junk food.

  5. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Where’s Central Supermarket? Those snacks sounds healthy, I want to get some too!

  6. Malaika's mummy says:

    healthy snacks for Ashley.

    BTW, you have been tagged:

  7. Big Pumpkin says:

    Thank you for sharing! I must look out for them. Where are they from/made? Is there a name?

    Maybe you can be our sole distributor, haha?! Do business ma…*just kidding*

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