Sounds Familiar?

About a month ago, I received a phone call from an ex-colleague of mine. We were not close when I was working at that company because she left 4 months after I joined. We did not keep in touch after that but have heard about her through other colleagues then. So you can imagine my surprise when she called me. We chatted quite a bit about what she has been up to, etc. Then a week later, she called again. She said she just called to say hello and see how I’m doing because it has been a while since we last chatted. I was like, huh? Didn’t you just call me a week ago? Is she losing it or what? BTW, this lady is not known for her kindness so I know she doesn’t mean what she said. Ok, nevermind. She repeated some of the things she told earlier and I pretended that it was the first time I heard from her. Before she ended her call, she said, “Barb, maybe one Saturday, I’ll drop by your place to see you“.

Oookaaay!!! This is getting a bit strange now. Firstly, we are not close. Secondly, we have not kept in touch for more than 2 years. Now, I received 2 phone calls in less than a month plus a coming visit? Yesterday she called again but I was real busy and couldn’t chat with her. Then today she called again but I was in the kitchen cleaning some fish meat so I couldn’t pick up the call. The phone rang and rang and Ashley kept saying “tin wah“, “tin wah” (phone in Cantonese). Heheheehe. Boy, that’s a lot of phone calls from her lately and this led me to think that she is actually trying to sell me some stuff ;D I wonder if it’s insurance, mutual funds or health supplements. I just don’t feel like entertaining her 🙁

Actually, I encountered the same thing last year with another colleague whom I have not kept in touch for more than 4 years. Same thing, same strategy. Called to say hello, wanted to come visit me and this time, this colleague was more direct. She actually told me that she wanted to talk to me about funds but I told I am not interested. She quickly hang up the phone and I have not heard from her since 🙂 Why do some people have to behave like this? But then I really salute them for being so thick face.

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7 Responses to Sounds Familiar?

  1. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Haha, yup this sounds familiar and I’ve encountered this situation before too… just hate it!

  2. Eriq+aKontena says:

    Hmmph that’s odd. Had almost the same encounters as yours a couple of years back. BUT it turned out that that ex-college mate of mine just wanted to sell insurance to me.

  3. Shireen Loh says:

    OMG, sounds like my experience too. I guess its the same for most people except that the lady happens to be a close ex colleague. There were 3 of us who were quite close during work. But ever since I left the co, we hardly keep in touch but still got la. When she wanted to get us to buy insurance, she would call, sms and even wanted to drop by during my confinement (no guesses as to who the insurance is for). I declined as politely as I could but I think she felt that I didn’t want to support her. Its not true cos first of all, I don’t have much say since i am not working, it will be my hubby’s long term commitment so we wanted to take our time and secondly, its not even her who is selling insurance, its her husband who I barely knows (they go married within 3 months of knowing each other). Well, anyways, I can’t do much about that.

  4. sue says:

    Eee… I just so hate people like this, close one also kenot help lor, coz so many insurance salesperson nowadays, even relatives also got a few :S

  5. jazzmint says:

    aiy..sounds like kes pinjam duit LOL

  6. Annie Q says: too! Receive call from an ex collague lost contact for almost 7 years and suddenly she call and said hi, end up is asking me interested to buy fund..*faint*

  7. HMom says:

    sure sounds very fishy. Sometimes kesian also as they trying to cari makan and they know that I am the kind of personwho does not say no. Darn

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