Another Birthday Party

We will be attending another birthday party today. Guess whose party it is? This little fella lives up north but ocassionally make his appearance in KL. His parents love travelling a lot and his mommy has a few blogs 😉 Still don’t know? Ok, enough of guessing….it is cutie pie Darrius‘s birthday party. He is turning 2 and I can’t wait to see him in his new hairstyle. I am sure Ashley will have a fun time at the party cos a lot of children will be there. Just hope that I won’t break my back running after her.
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3 Responses to Another Birthday Party

  1. Eva says:

    Ashley is so cute and friendly.She can play wif everyone.The funny part is when she offer Brian to eat her cup cake 😀

  2. Angeleyes says:

    Thanks for coming Barbara!
    Hope you, Ashley and hubby had a great time!

  3. mama bok says:

    Wow..!! busy like us..! birthday parties.. and all sorts this weekend too.. 😉

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