hApPy BiRthDaY mUm

Today is my mum’s birthday 😀 (don’t know what’s her exact age though…heheheheheehhe) What a good daughter I am, eh? My sisters and I be taking mum out for dinner tonight to celebrate. We wanted to have Japanese Buffet at Shogun but mum prefers ‘perahu stim’ (this is Sasha’s and Mott’s version). So, we’ll be heading to the yummy Ho Ho Steamboat in Seri Petaling tonight. More pics later.
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8 Responses to hApPy BiRthDaY mUm

  1. Lovely Mummy says:

    help me to wich her “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”…..ok? 🙂

  2. mama bok says:

    Happy birthday to your lovely mum..!! donch forget to wish her for me.. ya.. 😉

  3. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    lovely mummy – terima kasih

    jan – thanks ya ;D

  4. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Wishing your mum ‘nin nin yau kam yat, sui sui yau kam tin’!
    I like Ho Ho Steamboat too but after eating, I’ll be gulping down water the whole night long, haha!

  5. Annie Q says:

    happy birthday to ur “forever young” mummy!

  6. Sasha says:


    hahahha perahu stim! Muahahahhaha

  7. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    shireen – thanks 😀 oh yes…very thirsty indeed ….heheheh

    annie – ahahahaha…thanks 😀

    sasha – thank you 😀

  8. Frankensteina says:

    Perahu stim?? hahahahahahaha! That kinda sound obscene hihihihi. Talk about direct translation

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