I missed one out!

I was chatting with my friend this afternoon about renovation on our houses. She’s building a huge mansion whereas I am only renovating a teenie weenie house…hehehhehehee. We talked about tiles, roofings, floorings and stuff. Then suddenly I remembered. Omigod…I forgot about my bathroom downstairs. Should I install a shower curtain rod to hang the shower curtain or just leave it open? Open means water will flow everywhere in the bathroom, making it wet and messy…….yikes!!!! The dear contractors are doing the bathrooms now and I totally forgot about this bathroom. I have to give them instructions on what I want do because they need to build a slab across the floor so that water cannot seep onto the sink and toilet bowl area. Arrggghhh..gotta make a trip to the house again and check it out. Can’t remember how the bathroom looks like 🙁
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2 Responses to I missed one out!

  1. Mummy to QiQi says:

    Barbara, am waiting to come to your beautiful mansion for open house, hehe……

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    chin nee – wei..not mansion lah. no problem…when it’s ready sure will invite you over 😀

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