Keeping Moz Away

Yesterday morning while bathing Ashley, I found a huge red bump on her wrist. It was swollen and slightly warm. One nasty mosquito must have found its way to her 🙁 Then last night, she got bitten again 🙁 Now there are 6 HUGE mosquito bites on her hands, legs and forehead. She has been scratching like crazy and it only made them worse. I have rubbed some anti-itch cream on all the bites. I really detest mosquitoes and everyday, without fail, we would closed all doors and windows by 5pm and turn on the aircond. Whenever we sleep without aircond in the bedroom, I’ll switch on the fan and the mosquito repellant. If we switch on the aircond, I’ll just use Moz Away and spray on her clothing. However, I have been doing that lately and that’s why she got bitten 🙁 Guess, I better start using Moz Away again.

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3 Responses to Keeping Moz Away

  1. mama bok says:

    Those horrid mozzies..! chloe also get alot of those in the summer..! that’s why i donch like her to go out.. in the country.

  2. Lester Wong says:

    I personally tested the MOZ AWAY mosquito repellent spray and it’s really good and effective. On top of that, i have also found more methods to get rid of mosquitoes and tested work! you can visit for more information. Pls share with your friend if you think is good.

    Other blog and website

  3. Lester Wong says:

    Not to forget, you can also visit the Q & A about MOZ AWAY mosquito repellent spray.

    full url:

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