My hubby says that Ashley is the female version of Dennis the Menace. LOL. My munchkin is getting to be very cheeky these days. When she is not climbing up and down the sofa, she’ll be standing on tiptoe, trying to grab whatever she can reach on the cabinets or running around the apartment. She loves to sing a lot and whenever she hears any music, she’ll start to move like the africans doing the war dance ;D
See the above scrap? You would think that I did it, wouldn’t you? Muahahahahaa. It was done by a lovely and highly creative mommy. She won’t let me link her name here though. You know who you are 😉 Thank you so much for this lovely scrap of our menace. Love it!
is she the crazy hamsup mummy blogger?
Hahah!! nice picture.. 😉 and i think all kids have a little dennis in them.. 😉
that is indeed vely nice and vely nice of her the creative mommy, well done..:)
*laughing at mott’s comment*
Oii! U NOT HUM SUP AH!!!!!
mott – yup…she is hamsup and crazy….lol
mamabok – heheheh
shireen – yup..that’s a nice scrap and i really dont have a clue how to do it 😀
sasha – oi..u two better not fight in my blog.
Very nice scrap. Ashley looked so sweet here.
Anyone cares to do one scrap for me too, pretty pls?
hehe…no worries, urs not the only menace, I got 1 too at home.
Nice scrapping….like the photo of her squeezed between Dora & Barney, so cute.
Wah! I learn new things about you Mommies everyday….got humsup mummy some more! Syiok! reading mott and sasha comment, i know who is the “secret mommy” who do the scrap for u. 😉