New Rule At Home heard me. There is a NEW rule at home..imposed by my hubby. I can no longer switch on my laptop on Sunday. He said I am spending way too much time in front of my laptop 🙁 He said eventhough I don’t want to break away from the laptop, it needs to take a break from me. He even said he regretted buying the laptop for me 😉 In order to restore peace in the household, I will obey his wish. So, this means that I won’t be able to pop by your blog on Sunday. However, I will definitely visit you again on Monday…..hehehehehe.
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9 Responses to New Rule At Home

  1. Shireen Loh says:

    hey, thats what my hubby said to me too..:-(

  2. etceteramommy says:

    Wah.. ganas! So on Sunday, kwai kwai be a housewife and mommy lor… 😛

  3. Jo says:

    Yah, we think so too. We support your hubby 100%

    Family : 1 Barb : 0 *YAY!*

  4. Health Freak Mommy says:

    I wont care if my hubby said that to me, haha…. now u know how stubborn I am! But actually it’s good to have 1 day blog break 😉

  5. mama bok says:

    heheheh!! that’s a good rule..!!

  6. Sasha says:

    Eh okay ma..u take a breakla

  7. Big Pumpkin says:

    I also think it’s a good idea. But I hope my hubby won’t impose that rule, hahaha! Since weekends is the time I can blog the most….

  8. Annie Q says:

    Good also la, can take a break on sunday, treat it as a rest day and re-charge ur battery. 😉

  9. Malaika's mummy says:

    your hubby jealous already lah. You mah be good have a blog break on Sunday and fok si your hubby.

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