Phew…..what a day!

I went to a few places today so I’m really knocked out. This morning I dropped by our house to check the bathrooms and note down the things that we need to buy like soap dish, mirror, shower head, etc. Then later, we dropped by dad’s office for a few hours so that he can see his grandchild :). Ashley missed her usual nap today and slept in the car instead. She only took about half and hour nap. We left dad’s office around 5.30pm and were caught in the jam at Kerinchi. Only reached home around 6.45pm 🙁 Quickly fed Ashley her dinner and went out to meet my old friend, Sweetpea who is returning to Melbourne tomorrow with her handsome lad, Aidan. Had dinner at 1920 Cafe at Bangsar Village. Couldn’t stay long to chat because Ashley was cranky from lack of sleep. We didn’t join her and some friends for ice-cream 🙁 Arrived home around 10.20pm and quickly clean Ashley and fed her milk. She fell asleep in about 15 mins after lying on the bed 🙂 My poor tired baby.
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3 Responses to Phew…..what a day!

  1. mama bok says:

    You had a busy day..!! no worries.. no opps dropped.. muahhaha!!

  2. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    jan – thanks for the updates…hahahahahahah

  3. Annie Q says:

    Wow..what a busy day. hehehe

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