Something Is Wrong Again

Here I go ranting again. I am really fed-up with Streamyx. Around midnight yesterday, I managed to take an assignment. I was so happy about it because it is not easy for me to get assignments these days. So I quickly did up the post and when I clicked submit, the whole page hang. I kept trying and trying and the same thing happened. So I tried to click other websites and I had no problem accessing them. It was so frustrating. I thought ok, I’ll wait for 30 mins and tried again. Same thing. By then, I was really tired and sleepy. Had no choice but to go to bed first, hoping that I’ll be able to access that particular website later. I woke up around 4am and tried again. Same crappy problem. Had no choice but to let my assignment expire. This morning I checked with another blogging mommy who stays nearby and she too experience the same problem. Can’t access this advertiser’s website plus 2 others. I know this must be Streamyx problem again. I just don’t know what is wrong with them. One problem after another! Can’t they just buckle up and fix whatever that needs to be done? Why are we paying them for such lousy service??
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4 Responses to Something Is Wrong Again

  1. huisia says:

    same here, and the line always dropped when i wanted to grab bgt. pengsan..

  2. Shireen Loh says:

    So sorry to hear this. Hope they will buck up soon.

  3. mott says:

    i’m not sure what’s happening. but i can’t get into ppp the whole day today…is this only my problem?

  4. Mummy to QiQi says:

    i tot it was PPP holiday but mana tau, now other company also got problem….called shireen and she said u were having same problem…so dissappointed with streamyx, really!

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