The Birthday Party

We attended Darrius‘s 2nd Birthday Party today. It was held at McDonald’s, Ashley’s favourite restaurant ;D The party was a lot of fun and the children had a great time running around, playing with the balloons and eating burger & fries. It was great to see some of my blogging mommies friends at the party. Got to meet Chin Nee for the first time and also first time seeing Mott after she became pregnant. Mott looks radiant 😀 Also my first time meeting Calista and Brian too 😀 One hilarious thing is that Ashley kept following Darrius around and touched his head… She also kissed him a few times and once even tried to carry him. It was just so funny seeing it. Here are some pics of the party :-

Alice made all these yummy cupcakes….too lovely to eat 😀 (brown ones for adults and the colorful ones for children)

Brian and Calista

Annie and her boy, with Oscar too

Qi Qi having De’moments of her life on the throne 😉

Ashley guarding Darrius

Children’s group photo. It was so hard to get all of them to stand still and take the photo. The parents just went on a frenzy and start snapping as soon as they can.

Ashley with Oscar kor kor

Mika and Kieran goofing around

You know him? Ashley even stole a kiss from this cutie pie.

Ashley’s turn to sit on the throne

Her Royal Highness looking for more fries

Party pack, handmade with love by Alice. She filled it with the cookies she baked. Ashley loves the ladybug cookies.

Thanks Alice, for having us today. We had a wonderful time 😀

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14 Responses to The Birthday Party

  1. Tracy says:

    Wow! U were fast! So happy to have met everyone again. Des and I had a nice time ‘chomping’ our meals (heehee). Too bad I din bring my ‘laubeh’ camera or else I would have been snapping too.

  2. Angeleyes says:

    Thanks for coming!
    Ashley is so cute! She must have loves Darius’s botak head so much that she can’t stop touching it! LOL

  3. Mummy to QiQi says:

    Barbara, u even caught qiqi on that throne, haha!!!!

    Hey, nice meeting you too. And Ashley, boy, she is really not afraid of anyone. HOw i wish my gal can be like her. Is she trying to hint you for another di-di? kekeke….

  4. Sasha says:

    oik yr dotter got a smooch from the thick lips boy ah? He’s a good kisser la juding from his thick lips. hahahah

  5. Annie Q says:

    U’re fast barbara! I not even upload my picture yet lei.hehehe
    Great to see u again..;)

  6. mott says:

    hee son lovey dovey with ur dotter leh…love triangle la…


  7. Bryan's Mama says:

    nice to see all the children in the photo 🙂

  8. mama bok says:

    Ashley looks very much like you . 😉 where’s the mommies group photos..??

  9. Eva says:

    🙁 I wonder where’s my comments ler? I remember I’m the first one who comment.

  10. Nadia says:

    Hehe. Sounds like the kids had a fun time! 🙂

  11. twin says:

    so fun … 🙂

  12. Shireen Loh says:

    hey, the pic of Ashley and Oscar..they make a cute couple..*wink*

  13. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Oh how I wished I could attend the party yesterday! Alice has really put in so much effort for her darling Darrius’ bday party.

  14. everydayhealy says:

    LOL! what a big party. Everyone will talking about it! hehe…

    Ashley is so lovely in those pics. She must be very very pretty in person. Hope can meet her personally one day. 🙂

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