The Poo Business

Ashley did not do her business yesterday 🙁 I don’t know what’s wrong with her these days. She can’t wait to get out of her potty. She only sit there like less than 2 minutes and she wants out. Also, when she feels that she needs to push a bit, she’ll stop doing it. Sigh….I have been so worried since yesterday because she experienced this before and it was heartbreaking to see her suffering from constipation. I gave her a solo papaya today and lots of prunes yesterday. After trying a few times today, she finally did her poopie business. Those were the sweetest smelly poo indeed!
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4 Responses to The Poo Business

  1. BlurMommy says:

    Isn’t it funny how obssessed we get with poop after having babies!! I also start worrying when C doesn’t poop for a couple of days. *sigh*

  2. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Big hugs to Ashley and big pat to you! I know how it feels coz I’ve been there many times!

  3. mott says:

    u shud cont with papaya la…

    turn orange color is ok one..

    HA HA HA! but not solo la..damn 9 smelly la. the big papaya’s can be quite sweet….n u too can poopoo just like her!


  4. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    blur mommy – yup..i am obssessed with a lot of things beside poop ;D

    health freak mommy – wish it was me going through constipation 🙁

    mott – okie dokie..i’ll let her have papaya every alternate day now 😀 Tks for the advice.

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