The Things A Grandma Would Do

We were shopping in Tesco a few days ago and when we came to the meat section, my mum was pretty excited to see some live fishes and crabs. She quickly pushed Ashley who was sitting on the trolley towards the tanks which housed them for a closer look. Ashley was giggling when she saw the crabs. Maybe she found the crabs funny when they were moving about inside the tank. You know what my mum did? She poked some crabs to make them move more and even took one up to show Ashley *slaps forehead* Of course my lil’ munckin loved it so much and laughed out loud.

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6 Responses to The Things A Grandma Would Do

  1. mama bok says:

    Ahhh..!! truly blessed..! i love to hear stories like that.. 😉 so heartwarming.. 🙂

  2. Sasha says:

    ai….yr mother ah so loving and nice. But yeah la they will do anything for the kiddos..But for us? u tunggu la… hahah

  3. huisia says:

    haha..i thought your mum wanted to cook crab..LOL

  4. SayangMommy says:

    Hahahah grandparents would do things and approve (mostly) of things that your parents wouldn’t let you do 🙂

    I bet your grandma did the same to you

    N’way have a good weekend 🙂

  5. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Ashley is so brave eh, not afraid that she will get clawed by the crabs!

  6. jazzmint says:

    haha…so syiok eh, lucky the crab tarak marah 😛

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