
Ashley loves going to the park because she loves the slides very much. Whenever we passed any playground, she would excitedly say, “slide”, swing“, “see-saw“. However, I am perplexed why she sometimes refer to slides as “Sak Ke Wee” lol. Sometimes when I asked her what she did at the park, she would say “climb up Sak Ke Wee” *slaps forehead*.

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4 Responses to Weee…….

  1. jazzmint says:

    aiks..ermm..but what’s sak kee wee? Some restaurant?

  2. laundryamah says:

    sak kee wee sounds like how kylie calls my nephew (Zachary)!! hahahaha

  3. Bryan's Mama says:

    looks like fun, now that she is old enuf to really enjoy the playground.

  4. etceteramommy says:

    She sure had fun… mmm.. but why sak kee wee??? She went ‘wee wee wee’ while sliding down? So 3 ke wee?? 😛

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