What If …..

This is long overdue tag from this funny mommy. It’s quite fun to do because I like to daydream sometimes….hehehehe. Thanks for the tag, Shireen.

The rules of the meme are:

Answer the questions as realistically or unrealistically as you want.

Copy the rules into your meme post or link to the rules here.

Link back to the person who tagged you. Tag 5 others.

So, here are my wishlist :

Q1. Where would you live?
Different places throughout the year. Summer in the States, Fall in UK, Winter in Malaysia and Spring in Paris 😉

Q2. What would your job be (or if unrealistic) what would you do all day?
Checking out the factory outlet. Is this a job?

Q3. Who would you spend your time with? Doing what…
My family and friends of course. Chillin at Starbucks 😉

Q4. What kind of holidays/vacations would you take?
A relaxing one by the beach.

Q5. What luxury items would you own?
Oh wow….there is a long list…bags, shoes, clothes, watches, cars….

Q6. What charities would you support or represent?
I have been supporting charitable organisations for orphans and the less fortunate.

Ok, tagging time and the 5 recipients are :-

Shireen – cos she tagged me on this
HealthFreakMommy – a filler post?
Sasha – an additional tag for your tag blog ;D
Alice – filler post?
Lovely Mummy – since you have tagged me quite a bit ;D

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3 Responses to What If …..

  1. Shireen Loh says:

    Tenkiu…Tenkiu…u know wat I mean..*wink*…

  2. Lovely Mummy says:

    oh thanks for your tag…but you also kena my tag wor..http://www.mylovelymummy.com/2007/11/08/happy-blogging-wish/

  3. Angeleyes says:

    Thanks for the tag!
    Yeah yeah… needs lots of filler!

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