My hubby has a joint account with his mother at CIMB Bank. They opened the account in September just before she flies off to Toronto. Now that my MIL is not here, my hubby handles the banking stuff on her behalf. Last Friday, my husband received a cheque for my MIL and he banked into the new account. Yesterday, he received a telephone call from one of the bank staff and he questioned why was the cheque is in another person’s name. My husband was so surprised by this question and told the caller that the cheque is in his mother’s name. That fella then said this account has only one account holder which is my husband and not my MIL. My hubby then asked him to check again and after a few minutes, he said, “Ok, this is indeed a joint account so no problem with the cheque”. Phew….we thought the problem is solved.
Then this morning, when my hubby checked online, the cheque is not cleared. He called the bank again and another officer answered and said that they couldn’t see my MIL’s name in the account. Omigod!!! Both of them were at the bank and signed the application forms to open the joint account. How can that happened? The officer said he’ll do another check and call back in a short while. The short while led to a few hours so my hubby called him back. He said he didn’t know what happened to my MIL’s name as it was not in the system. Anyway, he managed to solve it and he thinks the cheque is still in the clearing house. He’ll bank it in when he finds the cheque. Can you believe this? The reason why we are panicky because the cheque has a 5-figure amount (not bragging here but just want to explain the situation). It is going to be a hassle to cancel the cheque and issue another one. Just makes you wonder why such thing can happen in our financial institution 🙁
ah banks..i dun like banks.
anyway they always make mistakes la. For me, my gender is MALE:LELAKI wor.. i wonder which part is LELAKI
Blek! I have same problem with them..
I had some fixed income funds with them. Gave them instructions to debit it…but they LOST my application form (after hassling me many times for some info). Why? They were in the midst of moving AND updating their system….
blady idiots… caused me inconvenience and headache! Luckily, my hub knew the 2nd guy there..and managed to get my funds (priced on that stipulated date) debited. Because the price of the funds really dropped like hell, after my application date.
I tell you..this bank ah…
There is an official complain channel with Bank Negara which is quite effective. if you want i can get the contact for you.
Wah! Stressssssssss……nya.
sasha – did u go and see those people personally? Ask them whether you are lelaki or perempuan 🙂
mott – also got problem with them. sigh….it’s not the’s those dimwits who work there 🙁
bryan’s mama – ohhh thanks..yes, could i have the contact please? There is another complaint which I would like to file too…muahahaahah. Oh, i forgot, you work in the banking industry?
mamapumpkin – yes…highly stressful 🙁
Oh.. my..!! so blur one..!!