While cleaning out the cupboard yesterday, I found a Humpty Dumpty Book of Nursery Rhymes. This book was given to Ashley when she turned 1 year old by a friend and I have kept it in the cupboard. It has over 50 well-loved nursery rhymes and I wanted to give it to Ashley until she is old enough to read.
As soon as she saw this book, she wanted it so I let her have it. Later when I was done with the cleaning, I read the nursery rhymes to her. There are about 30 rhymes which Ashley is familiar with and she was attentive when I come to those that she likes. For the unfamiliar ones, she would quickly turn the page 😀 Since this is a new book, she has been asking me to read to her like 5 times a day. So you can imagine me reading over 20 nursery rhymes each time. I tried to skip some pages by turning them over quickly but Ashley knew my trick and insisted that I go back to those pages and read them *slaps forehead*. I better hide this book when is asleep 😉
Heheh!! chloe is right into reading too.. but of course we are the one reading to her.. 😉 PB does that alot with her.. 🙂
good lar she likes the book, my son flips the pages too fast for me to read to him *sigh*.
Happy New Year 2008 to u & ur family!!!!
Such a wonderful book! no wonder Ashley asking you to read it over and over again! hahaha!
Sherilyn loves nursery rhymes too. Once when she was about Ashley’s age, she wanted me to sing ‘Tom Tom The Piper’s Son’ to her continuously for 2 days! It’s a good sign that she loves nursery rhymes.