Going Crazy

Ashley is driving me nuts. Sometimes. No, most of of the time. Oh well, 70% of the time.

– She only wants to do her poopie business upstairs
– She wants to watch Barney, Elmo, Children’s Songs DVDs all the time.
– She doesn’t want to take her shower or change her clothes. I have to do a lot of coaxing 🙁
– She wants me to play with her all the time.
– She won’t let me sit down and read the newspapers.
– She follows me around all the time and I can’t even do some housework.

I am definitely going crazy.

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10 Responses to Going Crazy

  1. mama bok says:

    Tell me about it..!! i donch get to rest.. till she sleeps.. and you know what time she sleeps.. and she wakes up at 5.30am..and then another time at 8.30am..yup..!! tell me about it.. !

  2. wen says:

    sometimes my girl oso wants ONLY me to put her to bed, to sleep with her, to put blanket for her. when she was younger, it was worse. ya, u need a break!!! come, lets go gai gai together wo kids of course! hehe…

  3. Health Freak Mommy says:

    Truly understand your situation coz I have 2 brats at home. It’s worse when I coach Alycia in her homework and Sherilyn will be kaka-cacau disturbing away… really drives me up the wall.

  4. Constance Chan says:

    same same. my kids also drive me up the wall…

  5. jazzmint says:

    aiyoo…separation anxiety?

  6. Angeleyes says:

    Darrius dont follow me around but he will keep screaming for me! Sama saja! Maybe we should exhange for a day and see their reaction! LOL

  7. Rina says:

    Seems like girls always need more attention. Both girls are drving me up the wall nowadays.Rina

  8. Elaine says:

    I have one velcro at home too. and my velcro is going to be six but still so sticky. Worst..now baby also reject maid already…so I lagi going crazy. No time to blog lo….

  9. etceteramommy says:

    Same la.. mine also like my shadow. I think that’s part of sahm’s job scope. Ai ya.

  10. Kelly says:

    Imagine if there’s 2 Ashley??
    more crazy…hahaha…

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