On Saturday, Chin Nee and Chanel paid us a visit. It was my first time meeting Chanel and her family. Jeriel is such a handsome little boy and a shy one too 😀 I’m so glad to see them, especially Chin Nee as I haven’t met her since she became pregnant with her twins 😀 She looks fabulous and not as what she always described herself. Ashley was happy to play with Qi Qi but it was a bit strange that she didn’t approach Jeriel. When I asked her to talk to Jeriel, she clinged to me. Maybe she’s shy? *lol*
Anyway, Chin Nee brought some mini coconut tarts which are my favourite (what’s not my favourite eh?). I must say, they are the best that I have eaten so far. They were so soft and as I’m typing this post, I feel running to the fridge to eat the remaining ones. Yes, I still haven’t ate them all yet. Save the best for last 😉
c-o-c-o-n-u-t tarts
Chin Nee got them from a bakery called cake sense in PJ. Hmmm….I must go and search for this bakery soon 😉 It was really nice seeing you ladies. Thanks so much for dropping by 😀
oh cake sense…i love their cakes and pastry ;). You can find them in MV (just outside JJ), ttdi (same row as domino), taman megah (opposite the pet shop)…haha see I like their follower LOL. My kids love the eclairs haha…
hey jazzmint – thanks for letting me the locations. Will go soon 😀 MV is the nearest.
it was nice meeting you…
Yes, yes i like cake sense’s pastry and their cakes too. Very nice!
Barbara, you have such a beautiful home!!
And welcome for the tarts. Remember I was at Mid valley? Got them outside Jusco bakery (sold by Jusco 😉
And your darling Ashley, she is such a nice host sharing all her toys with jie-jie qiqi…such an amazing girl…
Aiyah, I missed meeting Jeriel! I love coconut tarts too. Sei lor, now I am craving for them. I must get some this week!
BTW, are they too sweet?
ah got one outside my house. i think jazz gave u the direction edi. hahahaha
I keep clicking on older post, and seems never ending! So much u have story in ur blog… i think must catch up too… else memory just slip away….